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Photo of Juan Miguel Cruz Gómez Cuba

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Juan Miguel Gómez Cruz. (Jotacruz). Holguín. 1968.

Since 1996 he is professionally engaged in photography.

Currently working as a photojournalist at the Provincial Directorate of Sports Holguín

Professional training, has participated in several courses, among which are: III International Workshop Press Photography. International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Havana. July 2006. Workshop on...

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Juan Miguel Gómez Cruz. (Jotacruz). Holguín. 1968.

Since 1996 he is professionally engaged in photography.

Currently working as a photojournalist at the Provincial Directorate of Sports Holguín

Professional training, has participated in several courses, among which are: III International Workshop Press Photography. International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Havana. July 2006. Workshop on Analog and Digital Photography. International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Havana. February 2005. Digital Photography Course and Photoshop 5.5. International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Havana. August 2002. Press Photography course. Press House. Holguín. January 2001. Panorama Course Photography in the late twentieth century. International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Havana. December 2000.

It has been proven multiple times to national and international events as the Conference Quality of life, the various editions of The May Festival, Holguin Culture Week, Fiesta Iberoamericana, the ALBA Games National Sports and Olympic Games among others.

Magazines and newspapers have published photographs, including: Magazine Work. Excellencies of the Caribbean magazine. Review Highlands. Scope Magazine. Granma newspaper. Weekly Now! Jit weekly. Newspaper La Luz We can also see his work on websites and countless publications on tourism

Exhibition: Life on the wetland. First National Symposium of Directors, management and sustainable use of resources natural. The Baga. Cayo Coco. Ciego de Ávila in November 2008 Group exhibition Perspectives. Joaquín Natural History Museum. Fernández de la Vara. Gibara. Holguín. April 2008 Group exhibition Kaleidoscope, scars, the mark of our peoples. Armando Reveron Hall of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Mexico. Mexico City. Mexico. April 2008. Kaleidoscope Group exhibition, scars, the mark of our peoples. Fayad Jamis Gallery of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Mexico. Mexico DF Mexico. November 2007. Kaleidoscope Group exhibition, scars, the mark of our peoples. Autonomous University of Mexico. San Juan de Aragon, Estado de Mexico. Mexico. October 2007. Exhibits at the V International Meeting of Photography. Kaleidoscope, scars, the mark of our peoples. Mexico City. Mexico. September 2007. Personal Exhibition The silence of a city. Main Hall of the headquarters of the Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba (UNEAC). City of Holguin. Holguín. July 2004. Second Exhibition of Photography. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. Holguín. July 2003. First Exhibition of Photography. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. Holguín. January 2002. Group exhibition. Holguin Press House. January 2001. Collective Exhibition Photography Club of the City. 3x4 photo. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. Holguín. April 2000. Joint exhibition with photographer Joseph Rodríguez Martínez Persistence of Memory. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. Holguín. April 2000.

Awards: During his career he has received numerous awards for his work among which are: First prize in the 1st Fotonaturaleza Hall with the series Life in the wetlands. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. April 2009. Second prize in the 1st Hall of Biodiversity Fotonaturaleza the series. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. April 2009. TriMag signature recognition. Room 1st Fotonaturaleza the series Life in the wetlands. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. April 2009. 2nd Grand Prix Photography Hall of Holguin in the series Water dominoes. Provincial Art Center. City of Holguin. July 2003.

Participation in events: IV Latin American and Caribbean Congress Agents Sociocultural and Community Development and I Ibero-American Colloquium of Photography Community. Casa Benito Juárez. Havana. October 2000. IV Latin American Meeting on Marketing and Advertising. Hotel Nacional de Cuba. Havana. April 1998. V Iberoamerican Meeting and Symposium of Photography. International Press Center. Havana. October 1997

Currently serves as vice chair of the Photographers Club of Holguin. Is an active member of the Fondo Cubano de la Imagen, Latin American Fund of the Image and the Cuban Association of Social Communicators, among others professionals.

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